我们对 Realme GT Neo 3 进行了严格的 SBMARK Audio 测试套件,以测量其使用内置麦克风录制声音和通过扬声器播放音频时的性能。



  • Two speakers: one at the bottom right that turns on; 1 upper central front fire
  • 无音频输出插孔
  • 杜比全景声(Dolby Atmos)技术



  • 体面的中等产量
  • 工件得到很好的控制

  • 音调平衡过于集中在中音,导致鼻音
  • 整体表现不佳



  • 良好的录音强度
  • 良好的立体宽度,即使是纵向
  • 出色的信噪比,得益于剧烈的处理

  • 整体色调呈现不佳,缺乏一致性,低沉和/或鼻音平衡
  • 可定位性不准确并在远处渲染
  • 过度处理会导致压缩、门控、相位和音量跳跃

The Realme GT Neo 3 achieved a SBMARK Audio score of 118, with overall disappointing performance in both playback and recording. Recording performance, in particular, was marred by a multitude of artifacts caused by excessive processing.


When using the device to record audio, the volume was good and good amplitude was rendered, even holding the phone in portrait orientation while recording. Strong processing achieved an excellent signal-to-noise ratio, but it also produced a number of artifacts, including compression, gating, phasing, and volume jumps. Overall, the device would benefit from fine-tuning the processing algorithms. The stamp was also poor and lacking in consistency. Tonal balance sounded muffled or nasal or both. Overall, it’s hard to recommend the Realme GT Neo 3 to any audio-focused smartphone user.


了解 SBMARK 音频测试:为了在我们的智能手机音频评论中进行评分和分析,SBMARK 工程师进行了一系列客观测试,并在受控实验室条件下进行了 20 多个小时的感知评估。

以下部分收集了我们在 SBMARK 实验室进行的详尽测试和分析的关键要素。 可根据要求以报告的形式提供详细的绩效评估。 不要犹豫与我们联系。


SBMARK 工程师通过智能手机扬声器测试回放,其性能在我们的实验室和真实条件下使用应用程序和默认设置进行评估。

The GT Neo 3 did slightly better for playback than for recording, but still leaves some room for improvement. Tonal rendering through the internal speakers was rather unbalanced, with a narrow spectrum and a clear emphasis on the midrange. The highs were dull and there was a serious lack of high-end extension as well as low-end extension and bass.

In terms of dynamics, the device performed at an average level. Attack yield was correct, but lack of bass affected envelope yield and punch was weak. The Realme speakers offered medium amplitude, and although the localizability was correct, it was quite difficult to pinpoint the position of individual sound sources in the scene. The voices sounded slightly distant, even veiled on some occasions. The minimum volume level was slightly low, which made it difficult to properly hear weak content, such as classical music. At the other end of the volume spectrum, the device was powerful enough but not at the same level as the best-in-class.

Overall, few sonic artifacts are noticed, just some distortion and compression at high volume levels. While it was possible to accidentally cover the speakers with your hands while holding the phone normally, the occlusion of the speakers didn’t compromise the listening experience too much.


智能手机录音,在消声环境中以 60 LAeq 播放我们的一些音乐,来自 AB 配置的 2 个麦克风,30 厘米

与竞争对手相比,Realme GT Neo 3 在播放用例中的表现如下:


音色分数代表手机在可听音调范围内再现声音的能力,并考虑了低音、中音、高音、音调平衡和音量依赖性。 它是繁殖的最重要属性。


1/12 倍频程频率响应图,用于测量智能手机在无回声环境中播放纯正弦波时发出的每个频率的音量。




以下是在以最大音量播放我们的嘻哈和古典音乐样本录音时测量的一些声压级 (SPL):

嘻哈 经典卡
境界GT Neo 3 72.6 dBA 68.7分贝
真我 GT Neo 2 5G 76.2分贝 70.5 dBA
OnePlus 9 75.9分贝 72.3 dBA

下图显示了音量从最小到最大的逐渐变化。 我们希望这些更改在整个范围内保持一致,以便所有音量级别都符合用户期望:


该折线图显示了相对播放音量与用户选择的音量步长,在不同的音量水平下测量,在 0.20 米轴上记录的消声盒中具有相关的粉红噪声。

Artifacts 分数衡量声音受各种失真影响的程度。 分数越高,您注意到的噪音就越少。 由于设备中的声音处理和扬声器的质量,可能会发生失真。


它表示设备在最大音量下再现我们的测试信号(0 dB Fs,在 40 cm 消声盒中扫描正弦波)的失真和噪声。


SBMARK 工程师通过评估参考音频设备上的录制文件来测试录音。 这些录音是在我们的实验室和现实生活条件下使用应用程序和预定义设置进行的。

If you are planning to use Realme GT Neo 3 as a recording device, you may want to consider alternatives. The timbre was poor and too focused on the midrange, with recordings that sounded muffled and nasal. The highs were weak and diminished, and the lack of bass and low-end extension was particularly noticeable in recordings at high SPLs, such as concerts.

The Realme provided excellent signal-to-noise ratio in all test use cases, but strong compression and high noise reduction processing produced a very unreliable envelope rendering, with opaque and explosive attacks as well as a unrealistic sustain. Stereo width was pretty good in the recordings, but the locations of the sound sources in the scene were unstable and difficult to spot. On the plus side, the recording volume was pretty good overall.

Some artifacts were evident in GT Neo 3’s recordings. Both compression and distortion were overall quite moderate, but became more intrusive at high volume levels. Our testers also found that it is easy to accidentally occlude the microphones with your fingers. Finger noises were also quite noticeable in the recorded sound. The background performance was poor overall, with a muffled sound and a resonant sonority.

与竞争对手相比,Realme GT Neo 3 在用例注册方面的表现如下:


音色分数代表手机在可听音调范围内捕捉声音的能力,并考虑了低音、中音、高音和音调平衡。 它是注册的最重要属性。


1 / 12 倍频程频率响应图,用于测量智能手机在无回声环境中录制纯正弦波时捕获的每个频率的音量。

动态分数衡量声源能量水平变化的准确性,例如再现声音的爆炸物(例如 p、tek)的准确度。 该分数还考虑了信噪比 (SNR),例如主语音与背景噪声相比的响度。



使用相机应用程序和主相机记录测试信号时的智能手机方向图。 它代表声源入射角上的声能(以 dB 为单位)。 (归一化为 0° 角,在设备前面。)


以下是音频和视频文件中记录的声级,以 LUFS(响度单位满量程)测量; 作为参考,我们预计录制内容的响度级别高于 -24 LUFS:

匹配 生活视频 自拍视频 备忘录
境界GT Neo 3 -21.3 勒夫 -20.2 勒夫 -18.3 勒夫 -18.4 勒夫
真我 GT Neo 2 5G -25.2 勒夫 -22.9 勒夫 -21.8 勒夫 -22.2 勒夫
OnePlus 9 -29.5 勒夫 -20.6 勒夫 -19.4 勒夫 -19.4 勒夫

Artifacts Score 衡量录制的声音受各种失真影响的程度。 分数越高,您注意到的噪音就越少。 由于设备中的声音处理和麦克风的质量以及用户处理(例如手机的握持方式),可能会发生失真。


面对 5 m / s 的湍流风时,带有轻微背景噪声的语音样本的录音

背景评估语音周围的各种声音融入视频录制文件的自然程度。 例如,在录制活动中的演讲时,背景不应干扰主声音,而应为周围环境提供上下文。

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