We subjected the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos) to our rigorous SBMARK Selfie test suite to measure its performance in photos and videos from an end-user perspective. This article explains how the device performed in a variety of tests and different common use cases and aims to highlight the most important results of our tests with an extract of the acquired data.



  • 40 MP 1 / 2.82 英寸传感器
  • 光圈 f/2.2
  • 焦距相当于 26 毫米
  • PDAF
  • 4K 30/60 fps,1080p 30 fps


  • 照片和视频的良好曝光和宽动态范围
  • 准确的白平衡和美丽的色彩
  • 快速且可重复的自动对焦
  • 具有准确估计深度的散景效果
  • 视频中的颜色和肤色很好
  • 视频中的高细节水平

  • 高水平的图像噪声
  • 景深略有限制
  • 鬼魂、光环和戒指神器
  • 视频中偶尔出现自动对焦不稳定
  • 边走边录视频时相机抖动

The Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos) is among the best phones we’ve tested for taking selfies and improves slightly over its predecessor S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos). The improvements are most noticeable in terms of depth of field, texture and video. The downside is that the noise levels are higher than the previous model and the video stabilization is less effective.


When shooting still images, the camera handles exposure well, capturing good target exposure on portraits and a wide dynamic range in high-contrast scenes. Colors are beautiful, with neutral white balance and natural skin tones. However, noise levels are high in all conditions, especially in brighter outdoor light, where we can see luminance noise in the background and in the shadows. Autofocus is fast enough and repeatable enough, but depth of field is somewhat limited, which can result in subjects being blurred in group selfies. Our testers also observed some image artifacts, including ghosting, halos, and ringing.

In video mode, exposure and color are handled just as well as in photos, but we did notice some instability in autofocus and the depth of field is limited as in photo mode. Textures are rendered well, with a high level of detail, but the main drawback of the camera in video mode is the ineffective video stabilization when walking while recording. In this type of situation, you will notice a lot of camera shake in video shooting.

三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos) 与 Ultra-Premium 自拍得分

此图表比较了测试设备和参考设备之间 SBMARK Selfie 照片和视频的总体得分。还显示了该价格段的平均分和最高分。每个价格段的平均分和最高分是根据 SBMARK 设备数据库计算的。


关于 SBMARK 自拍测试:为了进行评分和分析,SBMARK 工程师使用前置摄像头的默认设置,在受控实验室环境以及自然室外、室内和低光场景中捕获和评估了 1,500 多张测试图像。摄影协议的设计考虑了用户的需求,并基于典型的拍摄场景,例如特写和团体自拍照。评估是通过目视检查自然场景参考图像并对实验室在 1 至 1,000+ 勒克斯的不同照明条件和 2,300K 至 6,500K 色温下捕获的图形图像进行客观测量来完成的。如需了解更多 SBMARK 自拍测试协议信息,请点击此处。有关我们如何评价智能手机摄像头的更多详细信息,请参阅此处。以下部分收集了SBMARK全面测试和分析的关键要素。可根据要求提供综合绩效评估。联系我们了解如何接收完整报告。



三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos)


Huawei P50 Pro

Huawei P50 Pro

三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos) 与 Ultra-Premium 照片得分




三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos)


Huawei P50 Pro

Huawei P50 Pro



三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos)


Google Pixel 6 Pro

Google Pixel 6 Pro


In this difficult backlit scene, the S22 Ultra manages good exposure and nice contrast on both sides. The camera also does a good job of keeping details on the brighter background, even if you notice some clipping. There are slightly better details in the background of the S21 Ultra’s image, but the face exposure is brighter on the S22 Ultra. Compared to the iPhone, the S22 Ultra exhibits better highlight retention and contrast.

三星Galaxy S22 Ultra(Exynos),两侧曝光度不错,背景高光保留不错

三星 Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos),浅色皮肤曝光良好,深色皮肤轻微曝光不足,背景高光保留良好

Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max,浅色皮肤曝光良好,深色皮肤略微曝光不足,背景略微曝光过度

In this close-up, the two Samsung devices offer very similar exposure. Compared to the iPhone, the background cutout is less strong and the contrast is better. Facial exposure is a bit darker, though.

三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos),脸部曝光良好,天空略微过度曝光

三星 Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos),脸部曝光良好,天空略微过曝

苹果 iPhone 13 Pro Max,脸部曝光良好,天空曝光过度

In this graph, you can see that the S22 Ultra offers good exposure in all conditions. Overall exposure is better than the comparison devices.

This graph shows the brightness measured on the 18% gray spot of the Colorchecker® graph versus the light level (in lux). The white area represents the region where the brightness is considered correct.

In this scene, both Samsungs produce fairly neutral white balance and beautiful skin tones. The red wall in the background is more saturated on the iPhone but the skin tones are too red too.

三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos),中性白平衡,准确的演色性

三星 Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos),中性白平衡,演色准确

苹果 iPhone 13 Pro Max,白平衡偏暖,肤色略偏红

Under interior lighting, the white balance is more neutral on the iPhone, but the skin tones are still too red. Both Samsung phones once again produce very similar colors, with a cooler color cast and more neutral skin tones.

三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos),自然肤色,中性白平衡

三星 Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos),自然肤色,中性白平衡

苹果 iPhone 13 Pro Max,白平衡偏暖,肤色略偏红



三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos)


Huawei P50 Pro

Huawei P50 Pro

自动对焦测试评估拍摄对象脸部对焦的准确性、精确对焦的重复性以及景深。虽然浅景深对于单人自拍或特写镜头来说可能很好,但在集体自拍等特定条件下可能会出现问题;两种情况都经过测试。对焦的准确性也会在从 30 厘米到 150 厘米以及在室外低光照条件下拍摄的所有真实图像中进行评估。

All three comparison devices are equipped with autofocus systems in the front camera, which allows them to focus correctly on different distances to the subject. In the focus range graph below, we can see that all three devices provide focused images over all distances to the tested subject (any acuity greater than 80% is considered to be in focus).

该图显示了在 1000 勒克斯光照水平下的清晰度与拍摄距离的关系。

The depth of field of the S22 Ultra is wider than that of the S21 Ultra but is still somewhat limited. Background subjects in group photos tend to be slightly out of focus. In comparison, the background is slightly sharper on the iPhone 13 Pro Max.

三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos),浅景深

三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos),裁剪图:精确自动对焦,宽景深

三星 Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos),浅景深

三星 Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos),裁剪图:精确自动对焦,景深略微受限

苹果 iPhone 13 Pro Max,浅景深

Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max,裁剪图:精确的自动对焦,宽景深



三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos)




纹理测试分析实验室以及现实生活场景中拍摄的图像中主体的细节和纹理水平。对于自然的镜头,要特别注意面部特征的细节水平,例如眼睛。对在 1 至 1000 勒克斯的各种照明条件和不同类型的动态范围条件下拍摄的地图图像进行客观测量。使用的图表是专有的 SBMARK (DMC) 图和 Dead Leaves 图。



我们的实验室测量结果表明,在大多数情况下,S22 Ultra 的纹理清晰度都高于对比设备,但在非常明亮和非常低的光线下除外。

Under internal lighting, the S22 Ultra produces better details than the iPhone. Textures also look more natural than on the S21 Ultra.

三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra(Exynos),内部结构

三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos),裁剪图:高细节水平

三星 Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G(Exynos),内部结构

三星 Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos),裁剪图:细节不错

苹果 iPhone 13 Pro Max,内部结构

Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max,裁剪图:良好的细节



三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos)


Huawei P40 Pro

Huawei P40 Pro

噪声测试分析现实生活图像以及实验室拍摄的图形图像上的各种噪声属性,例如强度、色度、颗粒和纹理。对于自然图像,要特别注意面部的噪点,还要注意暗区和高动态范围条件下的噪点。对在 1 至 1000 勒克斯的各种条件和不同类型的动态范围条件下拍摄的图形图像进行客观测量。使用的图表是 SBMARK Dead Leaves 图和标准化测量,例如源自 ISO 15739 的视觉噪声。

When shooting outdoors, the noise levels on the S22 Ultra are higher than on comparison phones. Noise is more intrusive in the shadows and background.

三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos),外部噪音

三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos),裁剪图:高水平的背景噪音和阴影

三星 Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos),外部噪音

三星 Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos),裁剪图:背景和阴影上的光亮度噪点

苹果 iPhone 13 Pro Max,外部噪音

Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max,裁剪图:几乎没有可见的亮度噪点

在室内和光线较暗的情况下,情况会发生变化,噪点仍然可见,但与 S21 Ultra 相似,并且比 Apple 手机的侵入性更小。

三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos),内部噪音

三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos),裁剪图:面部和墙壁上的噪点非常明显

三星 Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos),内部噪音

三星 Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos),裁剪图:面部和墙壁上的噪点非常明显

Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max,内部噪音

Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max,裁剪图:面部有轻微噪音,墙壁噪音很大



三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos)


Google Pixel 6 Pro

Google Pixel 6 Pro

伪影评估在实验室中检查镜头阴影、色差、点图和 MTF 图上的畸变测量以及 SFR 图上的环测量。除其他外,特别关注重影、量化、光晕和面部阴影的变化。伪影越严重、越频繁,从分数中扣除的分数就越大。下面列出了观察到的主要伪影和相应的点损失。


Ghost artifacts can be noticeable when capturing high-contrast scenes or in low-light conditions. Our testers also observed some ringing.

三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos),神器

三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos),裁剪图:移动元素上的重影

三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos),神器

三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos),裁剪图:高对比度边缘的环形



三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos)




This difficult scene is handled quite well by the S22 Ultra’s bokeh mode. Correctly, no blur was applied to the plant as it is in the same plane as the subject. In addition, the simulated opening creates a pleasant overall effect. Some artifacts of slight depth are visible. This is the same for the other devices which also apply a slight blur to the plant.

三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos),有轻微的深度伪影,但自然模糊和模拟光圈

三星 Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos),深度估计不错,但有一些深度伪影

Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max,深度估计不错,但有一些深度伪影



三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos)


Huawei P50 Pro

Huawei P50 Pro

关于 SBMARK 自拍视频测试

SBMARK 工程师使用前置摄像头的默认设置,在室内和室外的受控实验室环境和低光照条件下的自然场景中捕获和评估超过 2 小时的视频。该评估包括目视检查在各种条件下拍摄的自然视频,并对实验室在 1 至 1000+ 勒克斯、色温 2,300 K 至 6,500 K 的不同条件下录制的图形视频进行客观测量。

三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos) 与 Ultra-Premium 视频得分




三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos)


苹果iPhone 13 mini

苹果iPhone 13 mini



三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos)





In this video scene, the S22 Ultra produces accurate exposure with a good compromise between different skin tones and good retention of detail Cons the bright background. The dynamic range of the iPhone is wider but the exposure is rather dark.

三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos),曝光均衡,背景高光保留良好

苹果 iPhone 13,曝光均衡,背景高光保留良好

Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max,动态范围更广,高光保留更好,但脸部曝光不足

目标曝光在低光下略好于对比设备,在明亮条件下与 S21 Ultra 非常相似(略高于目标但仍然可以接受)。

This graph shows the brightness measured on the 18% gray spot of the Colorchecker® graph versus the light level (in lux). The white area represents the region where the brightness is considered correct.

S22 Ultra 的视频白平衡比 iPhone 上的冷,但肤色看起来比 S21 Ultra 的前身更自然。

三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos),自然肤色,中性白平衡

三星 Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos),肤色饱和度略低,白平衡偏暖

苹果 iPhone 13 Pro Max,白平衡偏暖,肤色漂亮



三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos)


华硕ZenFone 6

华硕ZenFone 6

一致性测试分析现实生活视频以及实验室录制的图形视频的细节和纹理水平。自然视频录制通过视觉进行评估,特别注意面部特征的细节水平。对在 1 至 1000 勒克斯的各种条件下拍摄的图表图像进行客观测量。使用的图表是死叶图表。

在 S22 Ultra 上测得的视频纹理与 S21 Ultra 相似,但明显优于 iPhone 13 Pro Max。

This graph shows the texture and sharpness of the edge versus the light level (in lux). The texture and sharpness of the edge are measured on the deadleaves graph in the video deadleaves setting.

S22 的纹理级别高于 S21,与 iPhone 相似。

三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra(Exynos),细节非常好

三星 Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos),细节不错

苹果 iPhone 13 Pro Max,细节非常好



三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos)




噪声测试分析现实生活视频记录和实验室拍摄的图形视频的各种噪声属性,例如强度、色度、颗粒、纹理、时间方面。自然视频通过视觉进行评估,特别注意面部噪点。对在 1 至 1000 lux 的各种条件下录制的卡片视频进行客观测量。使用的图表是 SBMARK 视觉噪声图。


该图显示了空间视觉噪声随勒克斯水平的变化。空间视觉噪声是在视频噪声设置中的视觉噪声图上测量的。 SBMARK视觉噪声测量源自ISO15739标准。



Video noise is well under control in indoor conditions and in low light conditions. The noise levels are lower than the competitors.

三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos),噪点控制得很好

三星 Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos),噪点较多且曝光不足

苹果 iPhone 13 Pro Max,噪音很大

The results that we can see in the clips above are confirmed by our laboratory measurements. The noise levels on the S22 Ultra in the lab are lower than on the iPhone 13 Pro Max.

This graph shows temporal visual noise and the chromaticity ratio of temporal noise to light level (in lux). The temporal visual noise and the chromaticity ratio of the noise are measured on the visual noise graph in the video noise setting.



三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos)


华为Mate 40 Pro

华为Mate 40 Pro

稳定性评估验证设备使用软件或硬件技术(例如 OIS、EIS 或任何其他方式)稳定素材的能力。该评估检查在各种照明条件下行走和平移用例期间面部和背景上的整体残余运动、平滑度和明胶伪影。下面的视频是测试场景之一的摘录。

While stabilization works well when holding the camera still, it’s not very effective when moving around while recording. There is still a lot of residual camera movement in the footage. The S22 Ultra is worse than both comparison devices in this respect.

三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos),旅途中的稳定效果不佳

三星 Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G (Exynos),稳定性更好

苹果 iPhone 13 Pro Max,稳定性更好



三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra (Exynos)


苹果iPhone 12 mini

苹果iPhone 12 mini

在实验室中通过 SFR 图上的 MTF 和环测量以及使用通用定时器 LED 的帧速率测量来评估伪影。对自然视频进行视觉评估,特别关注量化、色调偏移和面部渲染伪影等伪影。伪影越严重、越频繁,从分数中扣除的分数就越大。下面列出了主要的工件和相应的点损失


Anamorphosis (perspective distortion) can sometimes be evident on faces near the edge of the frame. In this clip, this is especially noticeable on the face on the right.

三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra(Exynos),边框边缘变形

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